How to Write a Book

I have discovered the best tip for writing a book. The only tip you will ever need to write an awesome novel. You may ask yourself, just one? Yep, just one. Ready? Here it comes: Write it. Crazy, right? It's way harder than it sounds. It's going to take a lot of time and effort... Continue Reading →

When Words Fail

Words fail me today. They do every year on this date. They say you'll never forget where you were when a life altering national event occurs. On 9/11, I was in tenth grade, second period gym class. We were watching a movie about golf. An announcement came over the loudspeaker that a plane had crashed... Continue Reading →

Hi, I Write Things!

I was reluctant to adapt the title of writer for a long time. I thought there were rules about it or some form I had to sign. Turns out, if you write, you're a writer! Hooray! I borrowed this questionnaire from a fellow writer, Caroline Huball. You can read her blog at Question 1: When... Continue Reading →

My Fling with a Celebrity

It was fast. It was fun. It was over in three months. ... Okay, that's halfway true. The only celebrity I've actually seen up close is Kirk Cameron at an autograph signing. After spending several months on my last manuscript, now out for representation, I needed a change and returned to the contemporary novel I... Continue Reading →

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