Here They Are

We were always warned beforehand that it was coming. We knew the code, and we knew what to do when it came over the speakerphone. But even when we had pre-emptive information, it didn’t stop the chills that raced through me at the word ”thumbtacks.” My two coworkers and I had to do three things.... Continue Reading →

A persistent little plot idea had been jumping around my brain since the fall. With three projects in various stages of writing, editing, and querying, I couldn't give it my attention, but it sat patiently waiting for me in the back of my mind. It's been a long time since I've had a brand new... Continue Reading →

The Value of Work

I recently started listening to the audiobook for Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America by Linda Tirado. Linda gives unflinching, unapologetic accounts of her experiences as an hourly worker barely living above the poverty line. She narrates the book with a clear and resolute tone and I noticed one thing in particular. She doesn't... Continue Reading →

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